Launceston/Devonport to Queenstown.
Whether you have arrived by air or by sea Launceston to Queenstown (293Kms) and Devonport to Queenstown (191Kms) has many feature stop options. Our key recommendations are,
Sheffield...The place with so many quirks, cafes and murals is a great place to stop for at least a lunch break. Take in the Topiary at Railton along the way.
Cradle Mountain...Is a Tasmanian Icon and one of the most photographed scenes in Australia. Most will spend a night here but if the crowds are too much consider nearby Lemonthyme Lodge.
Tullah...Find the home of the plucky Wee Georgie Wood steam locomotive and friends. Find the bright and friendly coffee house on the left that has great snacks and local information. Travel another 350 metres, turn right off the Murchison highway to find the Tullah cafe with a display of pioneer tin mining and featuring some interesting Hydropower development dioramas. If you feel like staying on drive a few hundred metres further and turn right to the Tullah Chalet situated by the beautiful lakeside. Expansive free camping options abound around the lakeside here at Tullah.
Don't miss the B28 left turn off the Murchison highway for one of the most spectacular scenic drives of Tasmania. Drive around Mt Murchison past Lake Plimsoll and beside the Tyndall range. Great views of Mt Ossa, the Cradle valley and the Tyndalls.
Queenstown...Welcome to one of the world's last wilderness frontiers on the threshold of the Franklin/Gordon Wild Rivers NP (TWWHA)
Hobart to Queenstown 260Kms.
Allow at least a full day - make the most of this wonderful journey.
Derwent Bridge...'The Wall' is very much worth a visit. Look out for 'Russell' the Wombat and 'Antony' the Echidna. Continue 400 metres to the Hungry Wombat cafe. The Derwent Bridge Hotel has a large dining space and is great for lunch and dinner.
Franklin River (Surprise too)...Do the easy 30 minute rainforest walk to the headwaters of the Franklin River. Take in the storyboard and see the Forest Specular representing the 1272 protesters arrested. Let The Franklin Flow Free!
Donaghys Hill...40 Minutes walk, some uneven terrain, quite a few steps and a moderate climb. A spectacular profile view of Frenchmans Cap and the Franklin/Collingwood river junction in the foreground.
Nelson Falls...Very easy 20 minute boardwalk through rainforest.
Linda...Once the busy Nth Mt Lyell railway station town. All that remains is the ruins of the once Royal Hotel.
Gormanston...Take the right turn at Karlsons Gap to view the 1883 discovered Iron Blow mine, the origin of the Mt Lyell Mining Company. Car parking, interpretations and an exciting viewing platform. Drive back to Karlsons Gap for the short boardwalk to view Horsetail Falls but get the best view of the falls from the vehicle parking bay just as you start the spectacular descent into.....
Queenstown... Welcome to the land of unconformity where the roads end on the edge of total Wilderness, the Franklin/Gordon Wild Rivers NP (TWWHA)
Driving Tips
Western Tasmania is very mountainous, subject to sudden weather change and sections of road are very windy and undulating. Travel times can be much longer than you may think so plan well in advance and allow yourself ample time to travel between overnight stops. Don't forget, there's plenty to see and do along the way.
Night Driving
Tasmania's wildlife is nocturnal so are very often on our roads at night. If at all possible please try to arrive at your destination before dark to avoid hitting any of our precious native wildlife.
Fuel and Charging stations
Food and toilet stops can also be few and far between so be sure to have a full tank of fuel or full battery charge before traveling west. Fuel and fast charge is available at Queenstown (also available after hours by credit card), Strahan, Zeehan (by credit card only), Rosebery and Derwent Bridge.
Mobile Phone Coverage
Mobile phone coverage can be patchy around Western Tasmania. Telstra has the best coverage; Optus and Vodaphone are improving all the time.
Weather Conditions
The weather in Tasmania is unpredictable and nowhere more than the Western Wilds. It can snow or hail any time of year. Even in summer the daytime temperature rarely exceeds 28 deg C.
Be prepared for rain, after all it is the pure clean roaring 40's rain that maintains the unique temperate wilderness.
Take the time to enjoy the spectacular scenery but please be mindful that the locals know the roads well and really appreciate it when you pull over to let them pass.....when it is safe to do so. Safe travels!
Explore the natural and unnatural beauty of Queenstown Tasmania. Discover its unique landscape and intriguing history. Find these free and easy points of interest.
The Gravel
Yes, here at Queenstown we play a tough brand of Australian Rules football on a gravel surface. Said to be the most feared sporting arena in the country and to have collected more DNA than any other. The infamous gravel of Queenstown is a great free camping site close to the CBD and low cost points of interesting activity The Galley Museum, Soggy Brolley gallery and
Glover Creek
The legacy of past mining practices is the acidic dissolved heavy metal soup still draining from the Mt Lyell mine site into the Queen River. View the first confluence of pollution into the Queen River from the Wilson street bridge just one hundred metres from the Gravel footy ground vehicle entrance.

Spion Kopf
Named because of its resemblance to a hill fought over during the Boer war. A great short walk up Bowes street in the centre of town with interesting stories displayed. Check out the electric loco and wagon in the tunnel. Once investigated as a source of silica flux for the Pyritic smelter the top of this hill has a panoramic view of the town.

Miners Siding
An interpretive storyline of bronze sculptures depicting the local mining story. The old Mt Lyell popping Jumbo is easy to spot adjacent to the Railway station car park right across the from the Galley museum.

The 42
Just along Driffield street opposite the Railway Hotel is this memorial of the lives lost in the North Mt Lyell mine disaster. The cast bronze flame and miners pick ringed by King Billy pine trees with a small plaque represent each lost miner.

Pearl Creek
A short walk off the highway is a quaint hidden little waterfall and grotto. It's a nice spot for a picnic and a very refreshing swim. Water here is pure and clean.
Just 5Km out of Queenstown on route to Strahan.